Places to Search
- Google (π)
- Github
- Stack Exchange (Overflow, etc.)
- DigitalOcean Tutorials
- Dev (
- SlideShare
- YouTube
- Reddit (last resort, π€·ββοΈ)
Other Cheatsheets (and Cheatsheet Collections)
- Learn X in Y Minutes
- Single-page, code-as-documentation cheatsheets for many different languages.
- Not really cheatsheets, but puts all the docs from various languages/libs together into one searchable app
- Dictionary for JS jargon
- "Illustrated explanations" of dev concepts, by Maggie Appleton
- Ali Spittel's Coding Cheat Sheets
- Nabeel Valley: Docs
- Max Antonucci: Exocortext
- Stefan Judis: TIL - Today I Learned
- Cyanhall Cheatsheets
- Zander Martineau - Notes
- Michael Currin - Dev Cheatsheets
- Yeongho Kim (aka yeonghoey) - /index
- Ε ime Vidas: Web Platform News
- secretGeek:
- Josh Branchaud: jbranchaud/til
- Erik Lievaart: Erik's Cheat Sheet
- Command line tool for pulling in and querying cheat sheets, or just use
, all from your terminal - Pulls from a variety of other sources
- Open Source
- Command line tool for pulling in and querying cheat sheets, or just use
- (Sam Dutton)
- Very cool collection of minimal / MVP examples of different web APIs, concepts, etc.
- "JavaScript Deep Dive to Crack The JavaScript Interviews"
- - for keeping track of EOL / LTS dates
Lists / Collections
- (Free tiers of various platforms / tools)
- Misc Collections
- sindresorhus/awesome - Meta/master collection of "awesome" lists
- Tiny Helpers (Single purpose online tools for web dev)
- @JoshWComeau's thread of free dev resources
- mrmartineau/awesome-web-dev-resources - Collection of web dev tools, packages, resources, etc.
- Kind of similar to my elevator pitches page - each resource has a short sentence describing it.
- - Assorted collection of links to dev resources... kind of random.
- "The Book of Secret Knowledge" - large single-page list of helpful dev tools and code snippets
- "Api Coding" - Collection of APIs to integrate into your next project
- "Everything.js" - A collection of (mostly) client-side JS libraries, and sentence or two about each
- uhub/awesome-javascript - Another "awesome" collection of JS libraries, with blurbs for each
- - Collection of JS, HTML, and CSS libs. Helpful in that you can browse by tag, and refine with combinations.
- Google Codelabs - Hundreds of guided tutorials, covering their own products (Firebase, Android, etc), as well as general topics (building a PWA, )
Web Dev
- MDN Web Dev Docs
- MDN InfoSec Docs
- Excellent cheatsheet / starting point for web security: /guidelines/web_security
- CSS Tricks
- Flavio Copes
- Get his FREE ebooks!!! Link (aggregate)(shuttered)- ZeroToMastery - resources page
- JavaScript Garden
- Collection of the "quirky" parts of JS
- YT: Fun, Fun, Function (Anything JS related)
- Fireship π₯
- π Fireship YT Channel π
- Fireship website
- Amelia Wattenberger
Comparing programming languages and frameworks
- For some general framework overviews and comparison, make sure to check out my elevator pitches page.
- A great resource for comparing across languages and frameworks is the TodoMVC approach. The idea is to improve upon the "hellow world" baseline (echoing out a string) and have the baseline be a simple todo tracker page. Then, have complete code examples for each language / framework.
- There is the original TodoMVC, which covers JavaScript frameworks, here
- There is also Todo-Backend, which covers different options and languages for building backends, such as .NET Core
- NARKOZ/hacker-scripts
- A collection of the same scripts (based on a famous story) written in multiple different languages
- Similar to TodoMVC, but even more succinct - each script is simplistic and short, so it is good way to compare across languages
- gothinkster/realworld
- A "real-world" example app ( clone) for any combination of popular front-end and back-end stacks.
- You can mix and match front-end with back-end
- Websites that let you compare programming languages based on snippets or "programming idioms"
- Take these with a grain of salt; I found some of the examples problematic
- Rosetta Code
- Web Dev
- Principles of Object-Oriented Programming in JavaScript, by Nicholas Zakas - Link, Amazon
- Covers a lot of important fundamentals, but also is written in an extremely approachable way - makes a good refresher / reference as well
- "You Don't Know JS" - Link
- Open-source book series by Kyle Simpson aka getify
- JavaScript for Impatient Programmers by Dr. Axel Rauschmayer (aka 2ality)
- Free to read online!
- Front-End Masters: Front-end Developer Handbook
- 2019 Edition: Github, Free Read Online
- Principles of Object-Oriented Programming in JavaScript, by Nicholas Zakas - Link, Amazon
- Electronics / engineering
- Practical Electronics for Inventors, by Scherz and Monk - Amazon
- This book is awesome; the ultimate condensed electronics guide and reference.
- Written so that not much, if any, prior knowledge of electronics is necessary: A-Z is covered in varying levels of detail
- Great for getting started with building random hobby projects (Arduino, etc.)
- Practical Electronics for Inventors, by Scherz and Monk - Amazon
- This is a good Twitter thread for some design patterns / best practices type books.
Dev Community
- Twitter!
- Tons of great accounts to follow
- Hashtags:
- VirtualCoffee
- Slack / Discord
- tech-community-slacks
- Dev Exchange (C# focused)
- CodeEveryday
- junior-devs (Telegram)
- Many frameworks have their own discords, so just Google for them (for example, Vue, Gatsby, etc.)
- Documentation: "Write the Docs"
- Check for local meetups
- HarvardX OpenCourseWare - CS50x
- Josh W Comeau - CSS for JavaScript Developers
- Sebastian De Deyne: Growing the Stack
- Bytes
- Stefan Judis: Web Weekly
Technical Writing
- Microsoft
- MS Docs: Style Guide
- Google
- Google: Tech Writing - Resources
- Google: Style Guide
- DigitalOcean
- DigitalOcean: DO Style & Formatting Guide