Steps Based on Alpha M Video
Not a fan of this guy in particular, but video came up in search results and was good to base some notes on.
- Get hair wet
- Get hair up, and away from face
- Do the sides and back first
- Sides first, then back
- Using electric clippers, start with largest size (e.g. #4) and go smaller as you repeat
- Try to go for a "fade" between sides / back and top of head
- While moving clippers upwards, starting near chin, roll clippers away from skin and pull away from face before reaching top of head - pull away early (based on video, at about eyebrow / forehead level)
- For a close fade, when you get to the lowest (#1), pull the blade back so you can angle for the final level of the fade
- Clean up around ears and neck
- Go slow, use mirrors
- Start on the top of head
- Work in "sections", working side to side, and front-to-back
- Grab each section with two fingers (index and middle), and cut with scissors right above fingers
- Try to angle cuts for feathering, to avoid "bowl cut" type cuts
- "Style" hair, as you normally would in the morning, to see what adjustments need to be made
Existing Guides:
- This pretty closely mirrors the Alpha M instructions