Twitter - Media sizes
Standard in-feed is 1038x588 (approx 1.77:1 ratio, aka 16:9).
- I've seen other sizes, but it always seems to work out to about the same ratio.
- Close pixel ratios:
- 1920x1080
- 1600x900
- 1400x788
- 1280x720
- 1024x576
- 640x360
- Close pixel ratios:
According to this tweet, the other ratios are:
- Two images: 7:8
- Three images: 7:8 first image, 7:4 for 2nd and 3rd
- Four images: 7:4, for all four images
This is another good Twitter thread on the topic. Based on this thread:
- If avoiding compression:
- Use JPG instead of PNG, since Twitter will then likely avoid recompressing further
- Limit file to 5 MB max, and 4096px (either width or height)
Twitter - Meta Info for Previews
- Cards Docs: "Getting Started"
- Preview tool / validator
- Twitter won't use the image unless it is an absolute path, with the domain included
- When sharing / tweeting, you must use the full URL, including the protocol. Don't worry; when Twitter picks up the meta tags, it will replace the long URL in your tweet with the embed itself.
Twitter - Advanced Searches
Good list:
Advanced search page:
Some that I commonly use:
What | Syntax |
Exclude user | -from:{username} (don't include @ ) |
Exact phrase | Double quote - "{phrase}" |
# | |
## - Media sizes | |
They have started applying smart-cropping (looks like through Cloudinary), which tries to fit in box of 1000 x 420 |
Pinterest- Meta Info
- Rich Pins Docs: "Getting Started"
- Preview tool / validator